
Today I am

Today I am because you were.

Today, I smile at life, and my heart feels fuller than ever because every piece that fell, you were able to keep and care for until you managed to repair it.

Today, I wake up yearning for the day because you were stronger than those nights when, engulfed in despair, you wished there was no tomorrow.

Today, there are no tears on my face because you, tired of shedding them, decided to replace them with a new sparkle of hope in our eyes.

Today, I am because of you, who traveled the path to this point, who gave us a chance to have the life we always wanted to live.

Today, I am because I can take it from here, explore the world you dreamed for me, and be amazed by every detail you prepared even when you couldn't see the end of the road you had to travel.

Today, I am because you can finally rest and enjoy everything you achieved and all those who supported you. Those who can finally see the light behind a sky once so cloudy.

Today, I am because even in the depths of absolute darkness, you decided to imagine the stars and create a path towards them.

Thanks to you who were, who kept going, who lived...

Today I am.